Friday, 19 January 2018

Congo - Adventures in the Heart of Africa (or Another Game System? Really?)

After popping down to Lenton Gamers club to see what it was all about and have a game of Bolt Action, I noticed a rather odd and interesting game going on.  Once our Desert Battle had finished, I had a look at what the game was, and ended up purchasing a copy to see for myself.

It's a very polished affair, a lovely book, well written rules with illustrations and pictures of fantastic minis, and it comes with thick card tokens, measuring sticks and a set of cards. 

The game is set in Darkest Africa, sort of pre 1900's when the likes of Livingston and Stanley were wandering about looking for the source of the Nile.

There are  4 factions, with a 'Column' made up of a couple of characters, auxiliaries, a couple of bearers and some 'troops', around 20-30 figures in all, and there are various missions to achieve all the while avoiding being eaten by crocodiles, risking the Wrath of Kong or getting too 'Stressed', a mechanic somewhat like being pinned but preventing certain actions (depending on the type of 'Stress').  At one point, a Single Married Warrior managed to lose a stress token, which is why I imagine he ended up being Single.

It looks a lot of fun, and an opportunity to paint up some minis without having to break the bank on a whole army. 

I'm hoping to get a test game in at some point, then we'll see about a Column of my own to go marching up the Congo!

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