Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Scrapper Crews - Post Apocalyptic 28mm Miniatures

Looking at creating some crews for Scrappers and giving this a go at the club if anyone is interested.

One of the problems (although I think it's one of the benefits of this system) of having completely WYSIWYG stats in a skirmish game is that you have to find the miniatures you like and then work out their equpiment and stats from the rules based on what it is carrying.

For a points based gaming system though, it's hard to get a feel for what you need based on what you like.  We'd all like 20 heavily armed power armoured troops stomping through the Gamma Zones, but the game seems to work with around 750 'points' of troops based around a commander, 0-2 Veterans and a bunch of grunts.

So it's an idea to take stock of what is out there, stuff that looks like it might work and miniatures that might inspire your 'crew' selection for the game.

So I'll post up some good sources of 28mm figures for inspiration for the various factions.

Heresy Miniatures - 

I like this flamethrower fella from their 'Ganger' range, would make good Freelancers.

Reaper Miniatures do a nice range of Sci Fi pulp and Steampunk stuff.


 One of those Synth fellas

Void - these are showing as 25mm so may be a little on the small side, but the Syntha set has some interesting looking figures that would suit the Palladium Athena, or generic synths for Freelancers or Architechts.


The Junkers sets are a bit Roman style, but might also work as Palladium Athena or Architect crews.

Koralon figures are a sort of evil cybernetic animal set, some of the figures might work well for an Ecotopians, or Gamma Lord mutants.


From the same website, the Kryomek game figures are also a nice Post Apoc style, the Nexus Mech range contains some cool figures for Synth crews

Sedition Wars


I like this range a lot, it seems to fit in well with the future Post Apoc style.

Freelancers or Architects - 

Nu humans/Mutants


This guy


GW Chaos Cultists -perfect for the Sons of Entropy.  The Dark Vengeance 40k starter set contained a whole bunch of Chaos Cultists you can pick up on ebay.

GW Genestealer Cultists

Equally, if you can get your hands on Deathwatch Overkill, there are sets of Genestealer Cultists that would also make great Freelancer, Architect or Entropy crew troopers.

 Some of the hybrids make good mutants/Nu HUmans

Including this guy, who is going to make it into one of my crews as it just looks right for a Post Apoc brute.


GW Necromunda Hive Gangs

I never played Necromunda, but there are obvious similarites between the game and Scrappers, so the gang figures should fit right in.  Some of the older plastics pop up on ebay from time to time, the boxed game has been re-released and contains an interesting set of figures.


GW Adeptus Mechanicus 

Skitarri would fit well in Architects, or as The Purge. 


These have a lovely Post Apoc feel to them and seem to sit in about the right sort of setting.  You can pick these figures up from ebay, as I think the game is no longer sold.

I don't know who these are.

The 'Therians' work well as AI Synths.


mainly WW2 based figures,  did these get absorbed into Secrets of the Third Reich?  not sure, but some of the mech suits look pretty cool.


Again, this is a post WW2 game but some of the figures look like they could fit right in the Scrappers universe.


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