Friday, 19 January 2018

Bolt Action AAR - Clash in the Desert!

At the Lenton club, I was fortunate enough to be able to play the main man James' Italians in a game of Bolt Action.

I took 1000 points of Desert Rats based around 1941, with 15 order dice, three small sections, an MMG, a mortar,, a sniper, a 25 pounder, three Bren Carriers and a Crusader Mk 1 tank.  

James had 1000 points of Italians, a couple or three big sections, a mortar, an MMG, and anti tank gun and a M11/39 light tank.

We only played a Meeting Engagement as I was a bit rusty with the rules, and although we made a couple of mistakes (there are no rolls to hit in Hand to Hand for example) it was a good game, a pretty close thing with us both losing around 4 or 5 units.  A nice terrain, great venue and a nice bunch of chaps that I am hoping to play more games with in the future!

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