Friday 10 November 2017

Orks! (Work in Progress)

For the purposes of the 40k Battle at the Farm refight, these dudes from the original Assault on Black Reach set are in the process of getting painted up.

First off, Warboss.  He's actually a little too buff for the original Hruk and Thrugg, as Hruk was only a squad leader and Thrugg was only an Ork Commander with a Plasma Pistol, but I can only work with what I have... :D

Apart from this dude, we have another 20 Space Orks.  In the original scenario, these fellows had bolters and knives, but again the Assault on Black Reach set has ork troops with Bolt Pistols and combat weapons.

The ork at the front is supposed to be Hruk, and there are a few Nobs scattered through the boys there, one of which is this chappy who I'm quite fond of. 

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