Thursday 19 October 2017

Crimson Fists!

Something a little different...

Way back when I was about 14 I got hold of a copy of Rogue Trader and a bunch of metal models, from an ad in the paper (remember those?).

For £10 (which was my birthday money, my kids get that for lunch each week these days) I got about 20 plastic Imperial Guard, some Tyrands, a Rapier gun, some squats and a hardback copy of Rogue Trader.

Now, I've been around and back again but this has always been with me.  And here it is, green ork paint on the cover and all.

Having no one to play with, I got hold of  a box of plastic Beakies (RTB01) and put together my first chapter.  I then found out, at school, a friend of a friend played, and he had Orks!

So I trotted over to his house one Saturday, marines gaily bouncing around in a shoe box, to play the famous scenario 'Battle at the Farm'.  Only problem being, for some reason still unknown to this day, when I got there my friend decided he was going to be my Marines and I would be his Orks.  I got absolutely trounced, didn't understand the rules and never played him again (although I did get my own back, when I played him in the final of our local Subbuteo World Cup 1990 and beat him 2-0, he cried when I lifted the trophy!)

Suffice to say I never really got into 40k after that, the lads who played in my home town were weird and anti social.

Now I am grown up, and weird and anti-social myself, I got hold of the (at the time) latest release of 40k - 5th Edition, Assault on Black Reach.

Now I never fancied Ultramarines, so when I saw the box contents I immediately thought - Battle at the Farm!

So, however many years later I've knocked together the start of what is left of the Crimson Fists.

 15 Marines, and Commander Pedro Kantor, replete with Power fist and Bolt Pistol.

The Orks have had an undercoat and a green wash, and will appear soon.  Plan is to get these done, then see if I can hoodwink the kids into playing the scenario with me, either with original Rogue Trader rules, 2nd Edition (from the Battle Bible, and from what I can gather what Bolt Action is based on), 5th Edition (rules that came from the AoBR box, or 8th edition. Ah, Actually I've got Dark Vengeance up in the loft... So maybe 7th edition.  Battle Report to follow!  Hopefully!

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