Friday 13 October 2017

Bolt Action Shots, - Escalation league

Action Shot!

An actual game of Bolt Action broke out!  This is from May I think, a group of us have a little escalation league thing going.  This was my 1940 Commando Raiders list, snatching a draw from the jaws of victory against Sams (of Down Order fame)  Fallschirmjagers.

It was the scenario where you have to hold objectives, the two bunkers top and bottom of the above pick where the objectives.  It was a close game, the closest I've come to winning a game of Bolt Action!

These two shots were from a game against the most excellent Ian Davies and his German Assault Rifle and General Nasty VolksGrenadiers list.  There was a farm house, and everybody died if I recall correctly.  Fun game though!

These last two shots were my last game in the league (before the football season started and I'm driving children around all over the East Midlands) against Sam Dales Frenchies Foreign Legion list.  I managed to knock out one of his MG trucks with a mortar, but then got bogged down behind those pretty walls.  We were pressed for time and just played the kill! mission, I called it after 5 turns I think as I was getting nowhere.

I think the overall feeling from this commando list I played was that they were much better when asked to deal with an objective, rather than a killy list, so playing  kill! missions didn't really do them any favours, a bit like my Paras in the tournament a few years back.

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