Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Deathwing Command Squad

I recently managed to have a read through an expansion for Space Hulk involving the Deathwing, The Bringer Of Sorrow.

It expands upon the equipment list of the Blood Angels, so I got my hands on a Deathwing Command set to make up some of the new options, and this evening I've had a bit of a dry run at putting some of them together.

Originally, I was tempted to magnetize the arms, as you get 5 marines but loads of different options, but the only 5 you need for the Bringer of Sorrow missions are - 

A Sergeant with Power Sword and Storm Bolter
An Apothecary with  Storm Bolter and Narthecium
A Champion with the Halberd of Caliban
Terminator with Plasma Cannon
Terminator with Storm Bolter, Power Fist and Revered Banner.

Now in the Command box, you get 5 Terminators but the option for 5 Deathwing Knights who have all the flowery dresses and dangly knife bling, and the bits fit nicely onto the original Terminators from the Assault on Black Reach box, so instead of magnetizing the parts I thought I could just do all the options from the sprues apart from the Knights (and their smelly Maces of Regret).  That gives me a Lightning Claw dude, and a Thunder Hammer dude, as well as another Assault Cannon, the Plasma Cannon and a Flamer.

I've already got 3 squads of Deathwing on the go, so I did the Sergeant with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.  (dont forget these are only blu-tac'd, and subject to change, gravity or pets)

The Banner guy is just a normal Terminator with a pole stuck on his back.  In the twisted confines of a Space Hulk, it's a bit much so I bashed together this instead - 

Plasma Cannon man is a normal AoBR terminator - I'll probably fit this with a fancy dan chest piece of Dark Angelness from the Command sprue.

 Of course, in the narrow confines of a Space Hulk, what you really need is a twelve foot long Halberd.  Deathwing Champion with the Halibut of Carelessness.

Apothecary.  The rules for this guy are a bit shit really, he can save a terminator who is in front of him, if he dies in close combat on a roll of 4+.  Also, he's got no Power fist so dies himself really easily in CC.

Finally, moody looking Assault Cannon, who will be interchangeable with the Flamer if required.

 and a Group shot - 


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