As I mentioned in the past, Space Hulk was my first real foray into 40k. I'd got the Rogue Trader rules, painted up some plastic 'beakie' marines, I'd got Space Crusade and played that, and our little RPG group played some D&D, Tunnels and Trolls (courtesy of me) and Warhammer (back when that was the name of the Role Playing Game!), Bloodbowl was popular as well but it was Space Hulk that everyone went back to.
When 3rd edition came back out, I was initially put off by the price. I certainly didn't remember board games costing upwards of £70!
But when I saw a review of the miniatures, I knew I was going to have to get it at some point, so I kept my eyes open for a 2nd hand version on Ebay, just in case one popped up.
One did pop up, but it had no Terminators. The Terminators themselves were going for £60+ but this was the boxed game, with Genestealers, rules, dice - everything but the Terminators, it was believe it or not £1 and it was a 15 minute drive from my house.
So I purchased it, went and fetched it, and it went and sat in the cupboard. I'd already got 1st Edition Space hulk, so my kids had played it (but they preferred Space Crusade as "you don't have to spend a point to open a door" :D), so I kept my eyes open for some of the Terminators. In the meantime, I thought it would be a good idea to get some of the metal 2nd Edition terminators and paint them up. When they re-released Space Hulk, I bought one on pre-order so I've got the plastic Termies now, 2 sets of the nice boards/blips etc and 2 sets of Genestealers.
This was all about 3 years ago, so this weekend I finally got round to finishing off the 2nd Edition terminators I'd gotten hold of, painting up the Genestealers and basing them (with the excellent Fenris Games resin 'Sulaco' bases).
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