Friday, 10 November 2017

20mm (1/72) Soviet Recon Platoon for Battlegroup Kursk

Following on from the previous post about the German recon platoon for Kursk, these are the Soviets for the same Clash of Reconnaisance scenario.

The Soviet list is - 

Soviet Rifle Platoon
ATR teams
82mm Mortar team
45mm L66 Anti Tank gun + Truck tow

Sniper team

BA-10 Armoured car
T-70 Light Tank

T-34 tank (reserve) 

Again, using the Bolt Action  lists this comes in at  about 1100 points, not much more than the German platoon so should theoretically make for a quite balanced game.

The list is - 
  • Regular 2nd Lt + 1 man (60)
  • LMG squad (regular) 12 men, 1 LMG - (140)
  • LMG Squad (regular) 12 men, 1 LMG - (140)
  • Free rifle squad (12 men, rifles, Green) 0 points
  • Veteran Sniper team (65)
  • 3 x Anti Tank Rifle teams (90)
  •  Regular Zis-2 Medium Anti Tank Gun + Tow (114)
  • Reg T-70 Light Tank - (125)
  • Reg BA-10 Armoured Car (120) 
  • Reg T-34 medium tank (reserve) (195) 

Total 1109 points. 

The Truck is the other one from the set of US trucks by Pegasus, the T34 is a Revell one I think (I didn't make that one, came in a box of 10 badly made kits from ebay), T-70 is from PSC, infantry are a mix of PSC and another manufacturer... possibly Battlefield??, I can't remember!  The BA-10 below is a white metal model, possibly SHQ or Skytrex.

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