Friday 13 October 2017


Welcome to Mortis Custodes!

This will be about miniatures and games.  More of a memory jogger than an actual blog, I'll use it to keep myself up to date about various projects I've started and not finished, and the occasional one that I do manage to finish.

Mortis Custodes, loosely (very loosely) translated is 'Guardians of Death', who were one of my first Space Marine chapters that I created way back when 40k came out. 

Someone came out and spoiled it with the Death Guard, so I 'retconned' them into a bunch of good guys who escaped the clutches of Nurgle and fought on, but then I sold all my miniatures to buy nappies or something.

After 40k came out I got heavily into Space Crusade, as it came with all the figures you needed and I could play it on my own.  After that, some friends and I got into Epic, and played a lot of Space Hulk.

Being able to get old games and miniatures on ebay has been a curse and a blessing, and I've now got three copies of Space Hulk (a 2nd edition and 2 third editions) and two of Space Crusade, a Battle Masters, plus a Heroquest and then various other bits and pieces.

I also got into Bolt Action recently, which has been the first game I've really played strangers at. Due to lack of space and storage, I've played some Bolt Action with 20mm figures with my sons who have enjoyed it mostly.

I've recently found Kings of War, something I wanted to get into when I first heard about it and finally stumped up for the starter set and a few extra books and bits and bobs.

I've got various projects on the go that I will upload some pics of, and try and update progress of as and when.  These are - 

  • British Paras (Bolt Action)
  • British 8th Army (Bolt Action)
  • German Afrika Korps (Bolt Action)
  • Battle of France British (20mm, Bolt Action)
  • Battle of France Germans (20mm, Bolt Action)
  • Battle of Kursk Germans (20mm, Bolt Action/Battlegroup Kursk)
  • Battle of Kursk Soviets (20mm, Bolt Action/Battlegroup Kursk)
  • Normandy Germans (28mm)
  • Normandy US (28mm)
  • Normandy Brits (28mm)
  • Late war Soviets (28mm)
  • Operation Chariot - St Nazaire Raid (28mm)
  • Kings of War Undead
  • Kings of War Dwarves
  • Kings of War Kingdom of Men
  • 28mm Napoleonic Brits
  • Space Hulk Deathwing
  • 40k Crimson Fists 'Battle at the Farm'
  • 40k Orks 'Battle at the Farm'

Hmm.  I have got a lot on there, haven't I.

Anyway, I'll have a sort out and post some pics, project plans etc!

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